Bør vi snakke om porno i barneskolen? En studie om undervisning tilknyttet seksualitet og pornografi på mellomtrinnet


  • Andrea Kjekshus Reite UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Norge
  • Ingri Elise Mardal UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Norge
  • Siw Killengreen UiT
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/up.v17.5203



Although pornography has been around for millennia, its content and accessibility have evolved at an explosive rate in recent decades. Young people in Norway today have large access to digital tools, and there is an increase in the proportion exposed to pornographic content online. This study has investigated how this new everyday life is treated in primary school. Through interviews and surveys, teachers in science and social studies have been asked how this topic is handled in primary school. Among other things, the teachers have been asked if they think it should be taught about pornography. A large majority believe that this topic should be addressed, and 62 % of teachers have taught this topic. The teaching that takes place is mainly based on dialogue, and largely arises spontaneously in the classroom. By carrying out planned teaching on pornography to a greater extent, an entrance to the topic can be linked to, among other things, setting boundaries, consent, body image pressure and digital competence, which teachers mention as key aspects of sexuality education, and which also fit into the interdisciplinary topic public health and life skills.

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Author Biographies

Andrea Kjekshus Reite, UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Norge

Andrea Kjekshus Reite (are065@post.uit.no) has a master’s degree in Teacher Education in Science from UiT The Arctic University of Norway. She currently works as a teacher at a primary School.

Ingri Elise Mardal, UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Norge

Ingri Elise Mardal (ima065@post.uit.no) has a master’s degree in Teacher Education in Science from UiT The Arctic University of Norway. She currently works as a teacher at a primary School.

Siw Killengreen, UiT

Siw T. Killengreen (siw.killengreen@uit.no) is an assistant Professor and teach in science education at UiT- The Arctic University of Norway Her research interest has been focused on inquire based and hands-on learning activity in science education.



How to Cite

Kjekshus Reite, A., Mardal, I. E., & Killengreen, S. (2024). Bør vi snakke om porno i barneskolen? En studie om undervisning tilknyttet seksualitet og pornografi på mellomtrinnet. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis, 17(2), 98–119. https://doi.org/10.23865/up.v17.5203


pornogaphy, sexual education, public health and life skills, interdisciplinary teaching