Ti år med Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis: Fokus, funn og forskning


  • Vivi Nilssen Institutt for lærer- utdanning, NTNU
  • May Britt Postholm Institutt for lærer- utdanning, NTNU
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/fou.v11.1777


Note: This article was published in the journal FOU i praksis. The journal changed its name to Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis in September 2019.

English title: Ten years with Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis: Focus, findings and research

The article presents a review of articles published in the journal Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis since it was established in 2007 and until the end of 2016. The purpose of the study was to get an overview of the articles published in the journal and examine if the studies they present have met the expectations of the journal. The problem formulation that frames the study was the following: What has research published in the journal contributed to the profession? In the article we first outline our understanding of R&D work. To develop answers to the research question we have used the constant comparative method of analyses. Findings show that the research covers levels from kindergarten to higher education, and that the research focuses on various themes within each educational level. The findings are presented for each level followed by a discussion. The article also presents the methods used in the studies that the articles build on. The conclusion is that the research is initiated mainly by researchers. A limitation of our study is that the research presented is research that has succeeded in the publication process in the journal, and the review is therefore not representative for all the articles that the journal receives. The article ends with a concluding reflection on the contribution of the review of the articles in the journal.

Citation: Nilssen, V. og Postholm, M. B. (2017). Ti år med Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis: Fokus, funn og forskning. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 11(1), 7–40.

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How to Cite

Nilssen, V., & Postholm, M. B. (2017). Ti år med Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis: Fokus, funn og forskning. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis, 11(1), 7–40. https://doi.org/10.23865/fou.v11.1777



Original Articles


forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid, kulturhistorisk aktivitetsteori, empirisk forskning, konstant komparativ analysemetode, ulike utdanningsnivå, research and development work