En studie av skolebasert kompetanseutvikling i lokale kontekster


  • Dag Atle Lysne Institutt for lærerutdanning, NTNU
  • May Britt Postholm Institutt for lærerutdanning, NTNU
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/fou.v12.1767


Note: This article was published in the journal FOU i praksis. The journal changed its name to Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis in September 2019.

English title: A study on school-based competence development in a local context

International literature presents evidence of the factors that promote school de-velopment. But since context is important for learning and since the Norwegian school in many areas differs from the school we find in many other countries, there is good reason to question the relevance of international studies when planning school development projects in Norway. The present study includes three schools in Central Norway that participated in the pilot of the school-based competence development project in lower secondary school the year 2012/2013. The findings are drawn from interviews with the principal and a group of teachers in each school. The schools in the study were very different. Yet we see that there is a convergence between the schools in what factors that are important to promote development. In addition, we see a strong correlation with the factors that international literature emphasizes as important for school development. This shows that it is essentially the same factors that promote school development locally in Norway as described in international studies and that local, regional and national contexts matter less. In this article we discuss how the findings of our study are linked to findings in previous studies.

Citation: Lysne, D. A. og Postholm, M. B. (2018). En studie av skolebasert kompetanseutvikling i lokale kontekster. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 12(1), 69–86.

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How to Cite

Lysne, D. A., & Postholm, M. B. (2018). En studie av skolebasert kompetanseutvikling i lokale kontekster. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis, 12(1), 69–86. https://doi.org/10.23865/fou.v12.1767



Original Articles


skoleutvikling, skolebasert kompetanseutvikling, etterutdanning for lærere, school development, school-based competence development, training for teachers in service