Sammenhengen mellom læreratferd og elevers engasjement


  • Ella Bjerga Universitetet i Stavanger


Note: This article was published in the journal FOU i praksis. The journal changed its name to Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis in September 2019.

English title: The relationship between teacher behavior and students behavioral engagement

This paper presents a classroom case study on the relationship between teacher be-havior and students own perception on behavioral engagement. Teacher behavior is expected from earlier research to have a relation with student engagement. Data was collected from 10 Norwegian schools in connection with the project “Classroom interaction for enhanced student learning” (CIESL) by using observation and survey. The sample was a total of 52 teachers and 1689 students in 5th through 10th grade. A key finding, which came from the regression analysis indicate a positive relation between “Classroom Climate” and behavioral engagement when controlled for level, gender, socioeconomic status and discipline problems. This relation indicate that the teachers’ relational skills is of matter for the students’ behavioral engagement. The findings will be discussed in further detail.

Citation: Bjerga, E. (2018). Sammenhengen mellom læreratferd og elevers engasjement. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 12(1), 47–68.

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How to Cite

Bjerga, E. (2018). Sammenhengen mellom læreratferd og elevers engasjement. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis, 12(1), 47–68.



Original Articles


Classroom climate, ISTOF, atferdsengasjement, behavioral engagement