Sammenhenger mellom deltakelse i Ungdomsbedrift og indre motivasjon og innsats i videregående skole


  • Vegard Johansen NTNU og Østlandsforskning


Note: This article was published in the journal FOU i praksis. The journal changed its name to Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis in September 2019.

English title: Relations between participation in the Company Programme and intrinsic motivation and effort in upper secondary school

This article investigate possible relationships between participation in the Company Programme (CP) and students’ intrinsic motivation and school effort. Norway and the EU is committed to entrepreneurship education, and part of this commitment is based on the assumption that entrepreneurship contributes to varied education and increases students’ motivation for school. Findings from the comparative research project Innovation Clusters for Entrepreneurship Education (ICEE) indicate that CP does not have a positive or negative impact on internal motivation and efforts in upper secondary school. The findings from ICEE correspond with three previous Norwegian cross-sectional studies, in which there were no connection between CP and motivation and effort. However, the data in ICEE make it possible to distin-guish between CP-participants with high activity (70 % participates a hundred hours or more) and low activity (30 % participate less than hundred hours), and students with low CP-activity experienced reduced intrinsic motivation and efforts. Most students thrive with CP as a working-method, but some students find CP too challenging and have less good experiences. 5000 students (16–19 years) at twenty-five schools in five countries participated in both the pretest and the posttest study. ANCOVA and Cohen’s d were used to compare intrinsic motivation and efforts for students with no, low and high CP-participation.

Citation: Johansen, V. (2018). Sammenhenger mellom deltakelse i Ungdomsbedrift
og indre motivasjon og innsats i videregående skole. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 12(2), 29–47.

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How to Cite

Johansen, V. (2018). Sammenhenger mellom deltakelse i Ungdomsbedrift og indre motivasjon og innsats i videregående skole. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis, 12(2), 29–47.



Original Articles


ungdomsbedrift, indre motivasjon, innsats, videregående skole, Company Programme, intrinsic motivation, effort, upper secondary school