Sammenhenger mellom deltakelse i entreprenørskapsprosjekter og skoleprestasjoner i fem europeiske land


  • Vegard Johansen NTNU og Østlandsforskning


Note: This article was published in the journal FOU i praksis. The journal changed its name to Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis in September 2019.

English title: Entrepreneurship education and school performance in five European countries

There are various approaches to entrepreneurship education, and it is common to distinguish between education about, for and through entrepreneurship. Education through entrepreneurship uses the entrepreneurial process as a working method to achieve particular learning objectives. This article considers the relation between participation in entrepreneurship projects and school performance in five countries. The indicator of entrepreneurship projects is a mini-company scheme called the Company Programme (CP). More than 300 000 students from forty countries participate in CP annually. The indicator of school performance is the Grade Point Average (GPA). Students with high CP-activity (a hundred hours or more) had a higher GPA than non-participants in Finland, Italy and Latvia. There was not a difference between CP-participants and non-participants in Belgium. Several studies indicate that there is no relation between CP and GPA in Norwegian upper secondary schools. However, the Pupil Enterprise Programme (PEP) in Norwegian lower secondary schools seems to have a positive impact on students’ GPA. The different impact seems related to differences in the aims of CP and PEP: CP focuses on education for entrepreneurship, and PEP focuses more on education through entrepreneurship. The data in the article includes 6000 students, and the analysis is multilevel modelling.

Citation: Johansen, V. (2018). Sammenhenger mellom deltakelse i entreprenørskapsprosjekter
og skoleprestasjoner i fem europeiske land. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 12(2), 9–28.

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How to Cite

Johansen, V. (2018). Sammenhenger mellom deltakelse i entreprenørskapsprosjekter og skoleprestasjoner i fem europeiske land. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis, 12(2), 9–28.



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ungdomsbedrift, skoleprestasjon, karaktersnitt, elevundersøkelse, Company Programme, school performance, Grade Point Average, student survey