Annerledes og likeverdig: førstelektorstillingens skjebne under akademias konvensjoner


  • Yngve Nordkvelle Høgskolen i Innlandet, Norge
  • Stig Eriksen Høgskolen i Innlandet, Norge
  • Katja Hakel Universitetet i Agder, Norge


In Norway, there are two recognized career paths within teaching and research in higher education. The path from doctoral candidate, through associate professor, to full professor is the most commonly used. One-third of faculty in higher education follow a career progression that goes from assistant professor, associate professor, to full professor in an alternative career path without a formal PhD-degree. The two pathways seem to represent two different knowledge regimes. Over the past 20 years, there has been dissatisfaction with unclear criteria for advancing within this second career path, leading to significant uncertainty. This study analyzes 31 applications for promotion to associate professor, along with their evaluations. The analysis demonstrates that the suspicion of vague criteria is well-founded, and that evaluations largely rely on the criteria of the traditional career path. Despite stated policy goals to enhance education by elevating the status of teaching, there is reason to argue that pursuing a career as an educator is undermined by academic conventions.

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How to Cite

Nordkvelle, Y., Eriksen, S., & Hakel, K. (2024). Annerledes og likeverdig: førstelektorstillingens skjebne under akademias konvensjoner. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis, 18(1), 41–59.



Original Articles


career development, higher education, academic drift, academic development