Emneansvarliges perspektiv på etikkundervisning i økonomiskadministrativ bachelorutdanning


  • Cathrine Borgen NLA Høgskolen, Norge
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/up.v18.5437



Despite the fact that the business world is in demand for employees with an education that promotes ethical reflection and responsibility, there is limited research shedding light on teaching practice in ethics courses in business education in the Norwegian context. Therefore, the study on which this article is based is an attempt to highlight the need for research that can contribute to discussion and development, as well as reflection on what affects teaching practice, with a particular focus on ethics education in business education.

The aim of the study is to be informed about the course managers' perspective concerning planning lectures and what influences this planning. The answers highlight, among other things, the consequences of different framework conditions. The study is based on data from semi-structured interviews with 14 course managers in ethics courses at Norwegian business schools. Interview data show variations in approaches when planning teaching, and the perception of the purpose of ethics teaching. The institutions' priorities seem to be governing the planning and being an obstacle to dialogue and reflection. The interviews further reveal gaps between the teaching that is planned and the national minimum requirements that exist. This study provides a basis for further research in the area.

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How to Cite

Borgen, C. (2024). Emneansvarliges perspektiv på etikkundervisning i økonomiskadministrativ bachelorutdanning. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis, 18(1), 21–40. https://doi.org/10.23865/up.v18.5437



Original Articles


ethics education, course manager, business education, management education, ethics